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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

What You Need To Know From the Hadith

What You Need To Know From the Hadith


In this study we put forward a few things regarding the science of hadith, that his mind we need to know to add insight and we pack in the form of questions and answers that are easier to understand.

(1) -
Why should we be studying the Hadith?


1. Because he is the most noble science
2. Because the penuntutnya are the ones who become the dark lantern. If we look at the four schools of priests, three of them (other than Abu Hanifa) are known as hadith experts.
Imam Malik has a book of al-Muwatta 'which contains many hadith. Imam ash-Shafi'i al-Umm have a book that contains many hadiths which he put forward his own with sanadnya, as well as his famous book al-Risala. Even one of his students compose the Musnad of Imam Shafi'i who diringkasnya from the hadiths narrated by him in the books of his book that the book is better known as Musnad ash-Shafi'i, as well as-Sunnan book.

While Imam Ahmad was known as the main character of Experts hadith and this is precisely not known if he was there a book in fiqh issues. Just need to know, that he is also counted as an expert of fiqh. He forbade his disciples to write something with only based on reason alone and encourage them to write hadith.

(SOURCE: Fataawa Hadiitsiyyah work of Dr. Shaikh. Sa'd ibn 'Abdullah al-Humaid, hal.5)

(2) -

What is the difference between the phrase "Haddatsana" ([So and so] had told us) and "Akhbarana" ([So and so] had told us)?


In the ordinance Talaqqi (transfer, receive) hadith, hadith scholars distinguish between lafazh transferred directly from the Sheikh (teacher) and which was read to the sheikh. When Shaykh tells of hadith, both of occasion or any of the books (writings) and his read to the students while they are copying the hadiths that discussed the Sheikh; it is called the as-Samaa 'which is often expressed with the phrase "Yuhadditsuni" or "Haddatsani." If a prosecutor to transfer knowledge in the majlis hadith like this, then he should use the plural (plural), namely "Haddatsanaa" because it meant he had to transfer the hadith with the other participants. And if he transfer it personally (alone) from Shaykh directly, then he said it so "Hadtsani" that alone.

As if the hadith is read to the Shaykh (Qiraa method `ah), such as for example, Imam Malik gave his book" al-Muwatta `" to one of his students, then he (the student) to read and he heard; if the student is wrong, then he answered and straighten his guilt, if nothing is wrong, he kept hearing. This method is called by the hadith scholars by the method of "al-'Ardh" (exposure) and "Qiraa` ah 'Ala al-Sheikh "(read to Shaykh). They (the hadith scholars) reveals the lafazh like this in more detail when someone wants to tell (narrate) hadith, then he must disclose the "Akhbarani" rather than "Haddatsani". It means that he received (Transfer) hadith is not from Shaykh lafazh directly but through the students who read it to the Shaykh.

This is why they differentiate between the use lafazh "Haddatsana" and lafazh "Akhbarana." Hadith Some experts say that both are the same, whether read to Sheikh or Shaykh himself to read, all the same. However, Muslim Imam rahimahullah not rate it the same. He distinguishes between the two. Therefore, in many hadiths, we found him to load it. He always said, "Haddatsana .... Wa Qaala So and so, 'Akhbarana" ([The way to tell so and so .... And So and so [the other narrators] said,' has told us' [Akhbarana], and so on.

(SOURCE: Fataawa Hadiitsiyyah work of Dr. Shaikh. Sa'd ibn 'Abdullah al-Humaid, p.61-62)

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