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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

What You Need To Know From the Hadith-2 (Which Best Between Saheeh Sunan Abi Daud And Sunan an-Nasa `iy)

What You Need To Know From the Hadith-2 (Which Best Between Saheeh Sunan Abi Daud And Sunan an-Nasa `iy)

From the aspect keshahihan, where the underdog; Sunan Abi Daud or whether Sunan an-Nasa `iy?

When we look at the books of Sunan an-Nasa `iy with the intention of it is as-Sunan al-Kubra, the more authentic Sunan Abi Daud thereof. Meanwhile, when the meaning of Sunan an-Nasa `iy here is the book of al-Mujtaba, here needs to be discussed again earlier opinion.

When we look at the books of Sunan an-Nasa `iy, it will be clear to us that he (Sunan an-Nasa` iy) is called by al-Mujtaba today-which seems to me-not written by Imam an-Nasa `iy own. He is a bouquet of Ibn as-is none other than Sunny was one of the narrators book Sunan an-Nasa `iy. In general, the meaning of Sunan an-Nasa `iy is as-Sunan al-Kubra. Because of this, some people from one side, assess the smartness-Hadith or hadith hadiths Mawdlu discard '(false) and Munkar which is in Sunan an-Nasa `iy called al-Mujtaba alias as-Sunan al-Shughra as some people say, thinking that he is a bouquet of Imam an-Nasa `iy.

The indication for all that, that the book of al-Mujtaba (ie, summary, the essence-ed.,) From the hadith, hadith is nicer (impressive) than the as-Sunan al-Kubra but whether true Imam an-Nasa ` iy which summarizes / mengintisarinya from the hadiths (the so-called al-Mujtaba ed.,) or a person other than him?. This we will explain shortly, God willing.

Clearly, if we compare between al-Mujtaba and Sunan Abi Daud, then this comparison is, in my opinion, need a serious and thorough study. Because, while there are people who just stated that Sunan Abi Daud superior. Attitudes like this are taken by previous scholars. Any person who talked Sunan Abi Daud, surely he would mengunggulkannya of other books and even some of them there are over Saheeh Muslim mengunggulkannya but this opinion is not true. Some people, especially in this day and age, we find there are people trying to favor the Sunan an-Nasa `iy on Sunan Abi Daud.

In my opinion, if ijtihad, ijtihad like this out of someone who wants to be the right words, then it should be based on a scientific word or a comprehensive scientific method by doing research on Sunan Abi Dauddan Sunan an-Nasa `iyyang named al-Mujtaba, the then see the number of hadiths contained in each book, then the number of hadith which criticized from each; how the overall percentage for each book. From there, we'll get the percentage of the hadiths are criticized in the book of Sunan Abi Dauddan also in the Book of Sunan an-Nasa `iy.

In addition, the hadiths which can also be classified criticized again between the Dla'if, Dla'if Once and Possible Dla'if (still fity-fifty). Each of which shall be affixed to what percentage.

In addition, it should also be seen: whether the author of the book to explain and comment on the hadiths that criticized it or Was not? Therefore, Abu Dawud and an-Nasa `iy no comment on some of the hadith. Then, seen also what percentage of comments issued by each author of the book of hadiths that criticized it. After that, then we can issue a clear picture through careful research, whether Sunan Abi Daudyang nicer (impressive) or whether the opposite? This is my opinion on this matter.

(SOURCE: Fataawa Hadiitsiyyah works of Shaykh Sa'd bin 'Abdullah Al-Humaid, Juz.I, h.106-107)

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