(Genealogy of famous Hadith-Hadith) Problem talqin deceased After Buried
Problems talqin deceased is one thing that is crucial and needs to be understood correctly, given the nature of worship is Tawqîfiyyah (limited to nash and the source) so that in it into practice there needs to be definitive texts; saheeh, sharih (obviously) and strong.
In this case there should be segregation; between the disyari'atkan talqin deceased and that no disyari'atkan. The disyari'atkan is talqin deceased prior to death in the face of his agony alias because it is supported by evidence, a saheeh.Namely, menalqinkan the dying man with the sentence Tawheed "la ilaha illallah".
While that does not disyari'atkan was when it was death, let alone been buried. Is a major disaster when serious stuff like this is done based on the hadith that is not caught juntrungannya; whether it can be used as proof or not.
Well, in the genealogy of this time we raised talqin hadith about the deceased after the burial, How is the quality?, Please refer to!
Third Hadith
تلقين الميت بعد الدفن
"Menalqin deceased was once buried"
Sources of Hadith
Editors like is narrated in the ath-Thabaraniy Mu'jam with sanad DLA'IF (WEAK)
Notes To The quality of the Hadith
Comments about the quality of the above mentioned hadith by Imam al-Suyuthiy in his ad-Durar al-ahadith al-Fil Muntatsirah Musytahirah.
Penahqiq (analyst) book, Shaykh Muhammad as-Shabbâgh Luthfiy stated that the hadith is the status: MAWDLU '
This is based on:
Kitab al-Fawâ `id al-ahadith al-Fil Majmû'ah Mawdlû'ah works of Imam ash-Syawkaniy, Hal.268
Book Talkhîsh Habir al-ar-Fi Takhrîj Râfi'iy ahadith al-Kabir of Ibn Hajar, Jld.II, Hal.136, though he has been trying to strengthen it.
Zad al-Ma'ad book of Ibn al-Qayyim, Jld.I, Hal.145. He commented on the above hadith, 'No saheeh (to say) Marfû' (lifted periwayatannya to come to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam). "
Book Subul Bulûgh as-Salam al-Sharh al-Sha'âniy Marâm work, Jld.II, Hal.113. He said, "The author says the book of al-Manar, 'Verily hadith scholars who wrestle no doubt talqin hadith is MAWDLU'. ' "
Book Fatawa an-Nawawiy works of Imam an-Nawawiy, Hal.37
Book Majma 'az-zawa `id Ibn Hajar al-Haytamiy, Jld.III, p.45.
Shaykh Muhammad al-Shabbâgh Luthfiy goes on to say, "While menalqinkan deceased prior to death (when facing sakarat) with the sentence Tawheed, then it is indeed valid and many saheeh ahaadeeth which confirmed it. It can be seen in our commentary on the hadith no. 322 on the book Mukhtasar al-maqasid (al-Hasanah, works as-Sakhawiy-ed.,) with tahqiq us. "
(Taken from: The Book of ad-Durar al-ahadith al-Fil Muntatsirah Musytahirah works of Imam al-Suyuthiy, tahqiq, ash-Shaykh Muhammad Luthfiy Shabbâgh, Hal.196, hadith no.469.
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