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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Regarding Nisbatbook Musnad ash-Shafi'

Regarding Nisbatbook Musnad ash-Shafi'


In many libraries there is a book with the title 'Musnad al-Imamash-Shafi'; whether penisbatan book to him?


Book entitled 'Musnad al-Imam ash-Syafi'i'ini nisbatnya true to thehistory of Imam Shafi'i on these hadiths but Imam Shafi'i himself never fabricate this MusnadMusnad is authored by one of thescholars of Khurasan who compiled the books of Imam Shafi'ilike al-Umm and othersAny hadith that Shafi'i narrated bysanadnya collected by this person and then drawn up based on the Musnadthen named the Musnad ash-Shafi'i.

This is exactly the same as any other book'Musnad Abi Davidath-Thayalisi' where ath-Thayalisi himself never wrote it but it was composed by his student Ibn Yunus Habib.

(SOURCE: Fataawa Hadiitsiyyah works of Sheikh Abdullah binSa'd Al-Humaid, juz.Ihal.200)

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