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Tuesday, January 3, 2012



Definition Tabi'i

In language the word is the plural form Tabi (plural) of Tabi'i or Tabi '. Tabi 'is a verb Ism Fa'il of Tabi'a. When it is said, Tabi'ahu so and so, its meaning Mashallah Khalfahu (The so and so walk behind).

In terms is the person who met with companions in a state of Muslims in the Islamic world and died anyway. Some say, is the person who menemati Tabi'i Companions.


Among avail Tabi know in order to distinguish which is Mursal hadith (sayings Tabi'i who narrates directly from the Prophet without mentioning the Companions) and where the hadith Muttashil (continued sanadnya up to the Prophet SAW).

Thabaqat Tabi'in

The scholars differ about Thabaqat (levels) Tabi. Therefore, they classified them based on their respective views, among them:
a. Muslim Imam makes three Thabaqat
b. Ibn Sa'd made four Thabaqat
c. Al-Hakim made fifteen Thabaqat, the first is the person who met with the ten Companions who were given good news to go to heaven.

Who Mukhadhramin?

Mukhadhramin word is plural (plural) of the word Mukhadhram.The sense is a person who lived during the time of Prophet SAW Ignorance and then converted to Islam but he did not get to see his SAW. According to a saheeh opinion, Mukhadhramin put in a category among the Tabi.

Their number was estimated as many as 20 people as it is calculated by Imam Muslim.

But the opinion is right, that their number is more than that, among those names are Abu 'Uthman an-Nahdi and al-Aswad ibn Yazid an-Nakha'iy.

Seven Who fuqaha?

Among the rows of the great figures Tabi are those who are called al-fuqaha as-Sab''ah (Seven fuqaha). They are the ones the scholars of the Tabi and all come from Medina. They are:
1. Sa'id ibn al-Musayyib
2. al-Qasim ibn Muhammad
3. 'Urwa ibn az-Zubayr
4. Kharijah bin Zaid
5. Abu Salamah ibn 'Abdur-Rahman
6. 'Ubaidullah bin' Abdullah bin 'Utbah
7. Sulaiman bin Yasar

(In this regard, Ibn al-Mubarak put Salim bin 'Abdullah bin' Umar replace Abu Salamah. While Abu az-Zinad include Abu Bakr ibn 'Abd replace the two names; Salim and Abu Salama)

Who Among Tabi'in The Most Important?

There are differences of opinion among scholars as to who among the Tabi is the most important. Famous opinion that the most important among them is Sa'id ibn al-Musayyib. Abu 'Abdillah, Muhammad ibn ash-Syairazi Khafif said, "Medina said the expert, Tabi foremost Sa'id ibn al-Musayyab. Kufa experts say, 'Uwais al-Qarni.' Experts Basrah said, 'al-Hasan al-Bashari.' "

Who Among Tabi'iyyat The Most Important?

Abu Bakr ibn Abu Daud said, "Two women among Tabi'iyyat main character (the women among the Tabi) is Hafshoh bint Sirin and 'Amrah bint' Abdur-Rahman. After that, Umm ad-Darda '. "*

Works About the most famous Tabi

Among these are at-Tabi ma'rifah book by Abu al-Mithraf ibn al-Andalusi Futhais .**

* What is meant here is the Umm ad-Darda 'ash-Shugra (young wife of Abu ad-Darda') called Hujaimah (some call it, Juhaimah).While Umm ad-Darda 'al-Kubra (old wife of Abu ad-Darda') called Khairah who is a female companions.

** See, al-Risala al-Mustathrifah, of things. 105

(SOURCE: Mushtholah Taysir al-Hadith by Dr.. Mahmoud ath-Thahhan, hal.202-203, al-Ma'arif Maktabah publisher, Riyadh, Cet.IX, year 1997/1417 H)

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