Which Best Saheeh Hadith?
I am a young man who has a high ghirah against Islam, keep praying and harmony-rukunnya. My question, where is the most authentic hadith.?
We say, we plead to God for us and all our brothers, the Muslims in order to remain committed and dianugerai obstinacy.
Therefore, you should be excited to use books that are consistently out which hadith is authentic. If you find a hadith ash-book referred to Shahihain (Saheeh al-Bukhari and Muslim) or one of the two, then this is good. Or if you get one of his scholars recognized scientific capacity menshahihkannya, then this is good. Among other things, pentash-hihan conducted Sheikh al Albani Nashiruddin, though no one who can be spared from criticism and scrutiny. Importantly, he is so devoted himself to the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW.
People like you also need to take the books out which are consistent saheeh hadeeth. That is, you should not blindly accept every hadeeth narrated, convey a hadith that says to you, or accept the hadith of the book what you see. You should be careful.!! Because the Prophet SAW said, "Anyone who convey a hadeeth from me, which he saw himself has lied (in it), then he was one artisan lies.". In some versions mentioned, "... then he was one of many falsehoods handyman."
In this case, please refer to mukaddimah Saheeh Muslim, as he explores what should be used as arguments in a matter like this, especially from the opinions of the scholars of hadith narrated warn actions without knowing which one is authentic and what is not.? Because this is considered as' say something about God and His Prophet without science. "(Na'uzubillahi min forbid-ed)
(SOURCE: Haditsiyyah work Fatawa Shaykh Sa'd bin 'Abdullah Al-Humaid, hal.160-161)
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