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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

How To Recognize A companions?

How To Recognize A companions?

How do we recognize a Companions?


We recognize it through one of the following things:
1. Tawaatur (aka mutawatir preaching about the lies impossible because of the many reliable narrators declare it), is there anyone who doubts Abu Bakr and 'Umar ibn al-Khattab RA as companions? The answer, of course, not.!

2. Syuhrah (fame) and the number of history that tell the tale through some things. For example:
a. Dhimaam bin Tsa'lbah RA fame with his arrival hadith the Prophet SAW
b. 'Ukasyah bin Mihshan RA whose story made permisalan / Maxims (ie the Prophet saying, "Sabaqoka' Ukaasyah ';' Ukasyah was first from you-ed) .*

3. Publishing it in a saheeh hadeeth, as there is one hadith mentions that the Prophet Muhammad was visited by the so and so son of so and so or the hadith is continued sanadnya to a man who informed me that the so and so of those who were martyred in the war with the Prophet Muhammad Or what information a particular way that this person or that has proven its Shuhbah (meet and faithful to the Prophet Muhammad and die in that condition).

4. Written narrative of a Tabi'i (generation after the Companions) that's so and so is a Companions. That is like he said, "I heard one of the Companions of the Prophet SAW, namely the so and so son of so and so."

5. Companions narrative itself that he met the Prophet Muhammad, as his words, "I heard the Prophet said such and such." Or "I am among those who accompanied (bershahabat) with the Prophet." But this needs some conditions, in among them:
a. He was a fair on him
b. His claim was allowed; when the incident he claimed that before the year 110 H it is possible whereas if he claim it after the year 110 H, then the claim is rejected because the Prophet has informed at the end of his life, "Did not I see you guys on tonight? Indeed over 100 years later (from tonight), there was no one left on this earth. "(HR.al-Bukhari, I: 211, 116; Muslim, No.2537; Abu Daud, No.348)

This is the most powerful argument against those who claim Khidhir prophet alive today segaimana Sufis claim where one of them is often claimed to have met the prophet Khidhir and talk to him orally.!?


A man named Rattan India in the sixth century claimed that he was the Prophet's Companions and he has extended his age until that date. The incident was shocking the public at the time.Thus, the scholars of his day or even after his confession was denied. Among other things, al-Hafiz adh-Dzahabi in his book entitled "Kasr Watsan Rattan."

* Was revealed by an Arab proverb to express non beruntungann someone in gaining something because there is someone else who first acquired it. Like for instance, when someone gives a gift to someone who could answer his question, there is an answer while the prize was only for one person only. Then there were other people asking more questions to answer and earn prizes.Then the person who gave it earlier, telling him saying it. That is, too late, the so and so have first (as you already preceded the so and so .!!), wallahu a'lam-ed

(SOURCE: Fataawa Hadiitsiyyah, Shaykh Sa'd bin 'Abdullah Humaid Alu, hal.30-31)

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