Know the Hadith Sciences
Definition of Hadith Musthola'ah
HADITS is something that is propped against the Prophet Muhammad in the form of words, deeds, statements, taqrir, and so on.
Atsar is something that is leaning to the companions of the Prophet Muhammad.
TAQRIR is the state of the Prophet Muhammad who shush, do not make objections or approve what has been done or diperkatakan by the friends in front of him.
FRIENDS is the person who met Muhammad SAW with a reasonable meeting while he was alive, in a state of Islam more faith and die in a state of Islam.
Tabi is the person who encounters friends, both long and short encounter, and in a state of faith and Islam, and die in a state of Islam.
MATAN lafadz hadeeth is spoken by the Prophet Muhammad, also called the contents of the hadith.
What Elements Must Be Received In Hadith
Rawi, who can communicate or write in a book of hadith anything ever heard and received from a person or a teacher. Deliver deeds are called Hadith narrated the hadith and merawi or the person called hadith narrators.
In the Hadith Compiler System Rawi Mention Name
As sab'ah means narrated by seven narrators, namely:
1. Ahmad
2. Bukhari
3. Turmudzi
4. Nasa'i
5. Muslim
6. Abu Dawud
7. Ibn Majah
As Sitta is narrated by six narrators are: All the names mentioned above (As sab'ah) than Ahmad
Al Khomsah means narrated by five narrators are: All the names mentioned above (As sab'ah) besides Bukhari and Muslim
Al Arba'ah means related by four narrators are: All the names mentioned above (As Sab'a) than Ahmad, Bukhari and Muslim.
Ats Tsalasah means related by three narrators, namely: All the names mentioned above (As sab'ah) than Ahmad, Bukhari, Muslim and Ibn Majah.
Ash Syaikhon means narrated by two narrators are: Bukhari and Muslim
Al-Jama'ah is narrated by the narrators are many in number (more than seven narrators / As sab'ah).
Matnu'l Hadith is the speech (kalam) or news items that end on the last sanad. Both talks were words of Muhammad sallallaahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam, friend or tabi'in. Both the content of the conversation was about the actions of the Prophet, as well as those friends who are not refuted by the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam.
Sanad or Tariq is a road that connects matnu'l hadeeth to the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam.
Preview Sanad
To understand the meaning sanad, can be described as follows: the word of Muhammad sallallaahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam heard by a friend (one or more). This friend (one or more) delivered to tabi'in (one or more), then tabi'in also convey to the people under their generation. So forth until recorded by the priests of the hadith scholars such as Muslim, Bukhari, Abu Dawud, etc..
When narrated the hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam, said Bukhari hadith is spoken to me by A, and A says is spoken to me by B, and B told spoken to me by C, and C says spoken to me by D, and D said: spoken to me by the Prophet Muhammad.
Beginning and end of Sanad Sanad
According to the term hadith experts, sanad was no beginning (beginning) and no end (the end). As the example above is called the initial and final sanad is A sanad is D.
Classification of Hadith
Classification according to the hadith (accepted) or rejected hadith as evidence (legal basis) are:
Shohih hadith, hadith which is narrated by a narrator who just, perfect memory, sanadnya continued, did not illat and not awkward. Illat hadith in question is a vague disease that can tarnish keshohihan a hadith.
Makbul hadith is the ahaadeeth that have properties that can be accepted as Hujjat. Which includes the hadith is accepted Shohih and Hadith Hadith Hasan.
Hadith is Hasan hadeeth narrated by Rawi fair, but not so strong memory (rote), concatenated sanadnya, and there are no obstructions on matannya illat as well. Hasan hadith including hadith Makbul, usually made proof for something that is not too heavy or too important.
Dhoif hadith is hadith condition missing one or more of the following terms shohih or hadith hasan hadeeth. Hadith Dhoif many kinds of manifold and have different degrees of each other, or at least caused by many conditions shohih or hasan hadeeth which is not fulfilled.
Terms of Hadith Shohih
A hadith can be assessed if it has met five shohih Terms:
Rawinya is Fair
Perfect memories
Sanadnya uninterrupted
Hadith is not berillat and
Hadith was not awkward
Fair meaning in transmission, a narrator must meet four requirements to be judged fairly, namely:
Always obey and maintain actions menjahui immoral deeds.
Steer clear of small sins that can tarnish the religion and manners.
Do not matters that can abort the permissible levels of faith and lead to regret.
Not follow the opinion of one of the basic schools of thought as opposed to the Personality '.
Classification of Hadith narrators Dhoif based on disability
Maudhu Hadith ': is a hadith which was created by the creation of a liar, they say that it is a statement of the Prophet SAW, whether it was intentional or not.
Matruk hadith: hadith which are solitary in the transmission, which is narrated by a man who was accused of lying in perhaditsan.
Munkar hadith: hadith which are solitary in the transmission, which is narrated by a man who many mistakes, many kelengahannya or kefasiqkannya clear that not because of a lie.In one direction if there is a hadeeth narrated by two opposing weak hadith, such as the one weak sanadnya, while the other weaker sanadnya, then the weak sanadnya called hadith and the weaker Ma'ruf called Munkar hadith.
Hadith Mu'allal (Ma'lul, Mu'all): is a hadith which seems good, but after extensive research and investigation it turns out a blemish.This happens because the wrong idea of rawinya assuming that sanadnya serialized, it is not. This can only be known by those skilled hadith.
Hadith Mudraj (paraphrase): is a hadith which is not adapted to something above hadith estimates that adaptations that include hadith.
Hadith Maqlub: is the hadith that occurred mukhalafah (violating another hadith), due to precede or mengakhirkan.
Mudltharrib hadith: hadith is a hadith that violates another place with a turn on one another in terms of survival, with no one able ditarjihkan (collected).
Muharraf hadith: hadith is a hadith that violates others occur due to changes Syakal said, with still permanent written form.
Mushahhaf hadith: hadith mukhalafahnya is due to changes in point of words, is the written form has not changed.
Mubham hadith: hadith which is in honor or sanadnya there is a narrator who is not explained whether he was male or female.
Hadith Syadz (clumsiness): is a hadith narrated by a man who fulfilled (tsiqah) violated more rajih history, has the advantage because kedlabithan or sanad or other so much, in terms of pentarjihan.
Mukhtalith hadith: hadith rawinya is bad on occasion, due to aging, falling hazards, burned or lost books of the bible.
Classification based on the death of the hadith narrator Dhoif
Muallaq hadith: hadith which is autumn (inqitha ') rawinya one or more of the early sanad.
Hadith Mursal: is a hadith which fall from the end sanadnya, one after tabi'in.
Mudallas hadith: hadith which is narrated in the manner expected, that the hadith was not stained. Rawi, who did so-called Mudallis.
Munqathi Hadith ': is a hadith which fall rawinya before friends, in one place, or killed two people in two places in a state not consecutive.
Mu'dlal hadith: hadith that autumn is the narrator-rawinya, two or more consecutive, good friends with tabi'in, tabi'in tabi'it tabi'in together, or two people before friends and tabi'in.
Hadith classification based on the nature matannya Dhoif
Mauquf hadith: hadith which is simply resting to a friend, whether it's leaning against either words or deeds and sanadnya continued or interrupted.
Maqthu Hadith ': the words or deeds that come from a tabi'in and in mauqufkan him, either sanadnya continued or not.
Is May Berhujjah with Dhoif hadith?
The scholars agreed to prohibit hadith narrated that maudhu dhoif 'without mentioning kemaudhu'annya. As if it is not a hadith hadith dhoif maudhu 'then it should be debated about whether or not reported to berhujjah. The following opinion is as follows:
The first opinion is absolutely prohibit all kinds of hadith narrated dhoif, both to establish the law, or to give suggestions primary practice. This opinion was defended by Abu Bakr Ibn 'Araby.
Allow Second Opinion, despite the release sanadnya and without explaining the causes of his weakness, to give suggestions, explaining the virtue of charity (fadla'ilul a'mal and stories, rather than to establish sharia laws, such as halal and haram, and not to set-Aqeedah Aqeedah).
The priests such as Ahmad ibn Hambal, Abdullah ibn al Mubarak said: "When we narrated the hadith about halal, haram, and the laws, we perkeras sanadnya and our narrator-criticism rawinya. But when we reported about the virtue, reward and punishment we simplify and Our narrator-rawinya soften. "
Therefore, Ibn Hajar Al Asqalany including the hadith experts who allow berhujjah with hadith fadla'ilul dhoif for charity. He gives three terms in the hadith narrated dhoif, namely:
Dhoif hadith it is not unheard of. Therefore, for the hadiths dhoif caused rawinya liar, accused falsely, and a lot wrong, can not be made despite proof to fadla'ilul charity.
The basic charity designated by the hadith dhoif, still under a justifiable basis that can be practiced by the hadeeth (saheeh and hasan)
In practice it is not mengitikadkan or emphasize that the hadith is actually sourced to the prophet, but only practice it purely objective for ikhtiyath (carefully) alone.
Hadith classification is more or less in terms of the narrator:
[1] Hadith Mutawatir: is a hadith of the response of the five senses, that was narrated by a large number narrator, who according to custom they get together and agree impossible lie.
Terms & Conditions hadith mutawatir
Proclamation presented by the narrator, the narrator must be based on sensory responses. Ie, they convey news that should really hearing or sight of their own.
Number of narrator-rawinya must achieve a provision that does not allow them to agree on a lie / lie.
A balance between the narrator-narrator of the first layer with a number of narrator-narrator in the next layer. If a hadith narrated by five companions then it must also be reported by 5 tabi'in so on, otherwise it can not be called hadith mutawatir.
[2] Hadith Sunday: is a hadith which is not eligible hadith mutawatir requirements.
Classification hadith Sunday
Famous hadith: that is the hadeeth narrated by third person narrator or more, and have not reached the degree mutawatir.
Aziz hadith: that is the hadeeth narrated by 2 people narrator, the narrator even 2 people on one thabaqah (layer) alone, then after that the people narrated.
Gharib Hadith: is a hadith in sanadnya there is a solitary in a narrated, anywhere in the sanad apartness that happens.
Hadith Qudsi hadith and hadith Rabbani or Divine
Is something that is preached by the prophets of God through inspiration or dreams, which then convey the meaning of the inspired prophet or that dream with the expression of his own words.
Hadith Qudsi hadith differences with Nabawi
In the hadith qudsi usually given a characteristic feature of the laced sentences:
Qala (yaqalu) Allahu
Fima yarwihi 'anillahi Tabaraka wa Ta'ala
Lafadz lafadz the Creator with what is mentioned above.
Hadith Qudsi differences with the Qur'an:
All-lafadz lafadz the Qur'an is a miracle and mutawatir, qudsi hadith is not the case.
Legal provisions which apply to Al-Qur'an, the hadith does not apply to qudsi. Such as the prohibition to touch, read on people who berhadats, etc..
Each letter is read from the Quran gives the right reward to the reader.
Narrated Qur'an and its interpretation should not be just or replace lafadz synonyms, qudsi hadith is not the case.
What is meant by innovation is something the form of worship which are categorized in worship to God that God himself does not command it, the Prophet sallallaahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam menyontohkannya not, and their friends Prophet sallallaahu' Alaihi Wa Sallam menyontohkannya not.
Obligations as a Muslim is reminded to enjoin evil brothers and sisters who still practice the deeds-deeds or heretical ways.
Allah says in Surah Al-Maidah verse 3, "This day has been fashioned for you your religion, and has Ku-ends meet My favor unto you, and I'd had it so ridai Islam religion for you." So no one defiled thing missing from the submission of the minutes of the Prophet. So if there are new things that relate to worship, then it is a heresy.
"Kulu dholalah heresy ..." all innovation is heresy (in matters of worship). "Wa Naar dholalatin fin ..." and every misguidance is in hell there.
Some things such as speakers, on a plane, by car, use toothpaste, can not be categorized as heretical. All of this can not be categorized as a form of worship is the worship of God. There are procedures in worship that must be met, for example in terms of prayer are bowing, prostrating, reading al-Fatiha, tahiyat, etc..These are all mandatory and anyone who creates a new way of prayer, then it is a heresy. There are procedures in worship that we can take lesson. As in the days of Prophet sallallaahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam using Siwak, so now use a toothbrush and toothpaste, except a few Muslims in Arabia, India, etc..
Discover new things in science is not heresy, it can even be charitable fields for Muslims. Many hadiths emerged that empties (matannya) to this heresy. And this is very difficult to be reminded to pengamal heresy.
Does that cause False Hadiths-Hadith?
In the Book of Hadith Ilmil Khulaashah explained that the news that comes in the Hadith there are three kinds:
That must be justified (acceptable).
That must be rejected (didustakan, should not be accepted) that is the Hadith which is held on behalf of people Rasululloh sallallaahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam.
Which shall be suspended (not practiced) until clear research about the truth, because there are two possibilities. Perhaps it is the sayings of the Prophet and also it's probably not the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam (forged in the name of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu' Alaihi Wa Sallam).
To find out whether the hadith was fake or not, there are several ways, including:
The recognition of people who forged it. For example Imam Bukhari had narrated in the Book Taarikhut Ausath of 'Umar ibn Shub-bin bin' Imran At-Tamiimy fact he once said, it means: I never fake sermon Rosululloh sallallaahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam.Maisaroh bin Al-Farisy Abdir Rabbik never admitted that he himself had forged hadith hadith that has to do with Overdust Qur'an (Koran Virtue) more than 70 hadith, which is now widely practiced by experts Bid'ah. According to Abu 'Ishmah Nuh ibn Abi Maryam that she had falsified some of the Hadith of Ibn Abbas, whose relations with one Overdust Qur'an Sura by Sura.(Kitab Al-Baa'itsul Hatsiits).
By considering and studying tanda-tanda/qorinah else that can demonstrate that the hadith it is False. For example, by seeing and watching the situation and nature of the narrators of Hadith narrated it.
There is a mismatch meaning of honor (the story) hadith with the Qur'an. Hadith is never contrary to what is in the verses of the Quran.
There is chaos or feel heavy in its composition, both in terms of wording or structure of language and Nahwunya (grammarnya).
The causes of the emergence occurred over False ahaadeeth
The existence of deliberate action of another party to undermine the teachings of Islam. For example from the Western Orientalists who deliberately studied Islam for the purpose of destroying Islam (such as Snouck Hurgronje).
To strengthen the establishment or schools of a certain group.Generally, the Shiite group, class Tareqat, Sufi group, the Expert Bid'ah, zindiq people, people who called themselves PIETY, class Karaamiyah, Experts Stories, and others. All of which is this allowed to narrate or holding the False ahaadeeth that have anything to do with all the deeds-deeds that they do. The so-called 'Targhiib' or as a threat to the well-known by the name of 'At-Tarhiib'.
To draw closer to the Emperor, King, Ruler, President, and others with the purpose of seeking the position.
To make a living world (a livelihood by selling fake hadiths).
To attract people's attention as has been done by experts and the fairy tale storyteller, interpreter sermons, and others.
Laws False ahaadeeth narrated
In Muthlaq, false hadiths narrated it is haraam for those who already clearly know that the hadith was fake.
For those who narrated with the purpose to tell the people that this hadith is false (explain to them after the narrated or mebacakannya) then there is no sin upon it.
Those who do not know at all or they practice and then narrated the hadith of meaning because they do not know, it is no sin upon it. However, after an explanation that history or hadith which he related the hadith or the glory that is false, then let him tinggalkannya soon, if he's still glory is another sanad from the road or none at all, then the law should not be (sin - from the Book of Minhatul Mughiits).
(Source Reference: The Hadiths da'eef and Maudhlu - Muhammad Al-Albany Nashruddin; The Hadiths Maudhlu - Ibn al-Jauziyah Qoyyim; Book Maudhlu Know Hadith - Muhammad ibn Ali Al-Syaukaaniy; Book of Sentences Thoyiib - Ibn Taymiyyah (tahqiq by Muhammad Nashruddin Al-Albany); Book Mushtholahul Hadith - A. Hassan)
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