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Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyah

Liver virus called love turned out to have a lot of casualties.Maybe you've heard a reckless teenager who committed suicide due to breakup, or rejected his love. Or you've heard stories of crazy Qeis to Laila. The love story that started since they were together mengembala sheep as a child to adulthood. Finally, truly tragic, Qeis really be mad when laila dipersunting by another man. Have you ever experienced problems like this or is experiencing? want to know the therapy? Let us refer equally efficacious therapies delivered in the works of Ibn Qoyyim Zadul Ma'ad magnitude.

He said: The turmoil of love is a type of liver disease that requires special handling due to differences with other types of diseases in terms of form, cause and treatment. If it has undermined the sanctity of the human heart and rooted in the heart, it is difficult for doctors to find an antidote and a person difficult to cure.

God mengkisahkan this disease in the Quran about the two types of people, the first woman and the two homosexuals who love to Mardan (boys are beautiful). God mengkisahkan how the disease has attacked the wife of Al-Aziz, governor of Egypt, who loved the Prophet Joseph, and overwrite the People of Lut. God mengkisahkan arrival of the angels to the Luth country

And the city's inhabitants came (to the house of Lut) with joy (because) the arrival of the guests. Lut said: "Surely they are my guests; then give me no shame (to me), and fear Allah and do not make me humiliated". They said: "And did not we have been forbidden from (protect) people?" Lut said: "This is the daughters of (country) my (kawinlah with them), if you want to do (in a halal)".(Allah said): "By thy life (O Muhammad), they actually oscillate in drunkenness (error)". [Al-Hijr: 68-72]

There is a group of people who do not know to put the position of the Apostle as appropriate, assume that the Prophet did not escape from this disease which is why when he saw Zaenab bint Jahsh amazed, saying: Glory be to flip through the liver, since it Zaenab have a special place in my heart Messenger صلی الله عليه وسلم, therefore he said to Zaid bin Harithah: Hold it in your side until Allah revealed the verse:

"Which means: And (remember) when you say to those whom God has bestowed on him and mat` ni ye (also) has given mat `ni him:" Hold your wives, and continue to fear Allah ", while you hide in your heart what that God will show it, and you are afraid of humans, is Allah Who has more right to fear. So when Zaid had put an end to the purposes of his wife (divorce), we kawinkan you and him so that there is no objection for believers to (marrying) the wives of their adopted children, adopted children when it has completed keperluannya than his wife And it is the ordinance of God it must happen "[Al-Ahzab: 37] [1]

Sebagain people think this verse was revealed concerning the story of the Prophet in love, even some of the author of a book specifically about in love stories of the Prophets and Prophet meyebutkan this story in it. This happens due to ignorance of the Quran and the position of the Apostles, until he forced the content of paragraph anything that is not feasible and it contains an action attribute to the Prophet that God himself away from him.

The story in fact, that Zainab bint Zayd ibn Jahsh was the wife of former slaves .-- Harisah Prophet - the appointment as a child and was called by Zaid ibn Muhammad. Zainab was higher than Zaid. Therefore by Zayd wanted to divorce her. Zaid came to the Messenger of Allah asked for suggestions for divorce, the Prophet advised him to keep holding Zainab, while he knew that was going to marry Zainab when Zaid divorced. He is afraid of the ridicule of people if the woman's ex-wife to marry his adopted son. This is a hidden prophet in him, and fear is what happens within him. Therefore, in the verse mentions the gift of God abounded to him and reproached him not because it is said, advised him to not be afraid to mankind in the things that are God halalkan for him because it is Allah who should be afraid of. Do Until he was afraid to do something that is God fearing gossip halalkan man, after that God told him that God is going to marry her off immediately after Zaid divorced his wife so that he becomes an example for his people about the permissibility of marrying the former wife of an adopted child, as for ex-wife married a child of the This terlarang.sebagaimana word of God:

"It means: that Muhammad is most certainly not the father of a man among you" [al-Ahzab: 40]

Allah says in the base of this letter:

"Which means: And He does not make your adoptive child as a child your birth (alone). That is just a speech by your mouths" [Al-Ahzab: 4]

Consider how your defense of this Prophet, and a refutation of those who denounce it. Wabillahi at-Taufiq.

No doubt that the Prophet loved his wives. Aisha is the most beloved wife, but his love for Aisha and the other can not match the highest love, the love of his Lord. In the saheeh hadith:

"It means: If I were allowed to take a lover of one of earth's population then I will make Abu Bakr as the beloved" [2]

CRITERIA FOR THE HUMAN DISEASE potentially infected with AL-ishq
Al-ishq disease will befall those whose hearts are empty of feeling mahbbah (love) to God, always turn away from Him and filled with love of the other kind. Heart full of love for God and longing to see dengaanNya would be immune to this virus attacks, as happened with Yusuf عليه السلام:

"It means: Verily the woman had intended (to do the deed) to Joseph, and Yusufpun intend (do anyway) with her if she saw no sign (of) his Lord. Thus, that We might turn away from it munkar and abominations. Surely Joseph was included Our servants are chosen "[Yusuf: 24]

It is obvious that Ikhlas is a potent immunization can resist this virus with a variety of negative effects of bad deeds and keji.Artinya someone turning away from disobedience should be with a variety of means that lead in that direction.

Salaf said: love is the vibration of the heart disease that is empty of everything except what be loved and adored. Allah says about Prophet Moses Mother:

"It means; And a mother's heart kosonglah Moses. Indeed he states almost secret of Moses, if not we be confirmed in heart" [al-Qasas: 11]

Ie, empty of everything except the very love of Moses for
Moses and his dependent to Moses.

Al-ishq disease occurs in two reasons, First: As beautiful assume what he loved. Second: the feeling of wanting to have what he loves. If either of these two factors are not necessarily the virus will not be contagious. Although this chronic disease has confused many people and most experts seek to provide treatment, but the solution provided has not been hit.

Ibn al-Qayyim said: Allah's decree سبحانه و تعالى with a silver lining to create creatures in a mutual search for a suitable condition to him, in fitrrah be attracted in kind, on the contrary will move away from being different from her.

The secret of mixing and the suitability of the nature spirits will result in an impressive harmony and equality, as is the difference in the nature spirits will result in the absence of compatibility and suitability. In this manner
upholding of human affairs. God befirman:

"Meaning: He Who created you from a single self and from it He created his wife, so she felt happy for him" [al-A'raf: 189]

In this verse God makes peaceful and happy feelings for a man to the spouse because it comes from the type and shape. Obviously love does not depend on factors driving the beauty way, nor because of the similarities in purpose and keingginan, similarity in shape and get a clue, although not denying that these things is one of the causes of peace and the onset of love.

The Prophet once said in a hadith:

"Meaning: Ruh-ruh are like soldiers who each pair, who know each other before will converge and will deny each other at odds" [3]

In the Musnad of Imam Ahmad narrated that asbabul wurud this tradition when a woman in Makkah who always makes people laugh migrated to Medina he was living and associating with women of the same nature which seems to enjoy making people laugh. That's why the prophet say this tradition.

That's why the Shari'a of Allah will judge things according to its kind, it is impossible Shari'a judge two things in common with a treatment difference or collect two things are contradictory. Any person who believes another because it's clear lack of scientific knowledge on this Shari'a or less understand kaedah equations and vice versa.

The application of this kaedah not only valid in the world more than it would be applied also in the hereafter, Allah says:

"It means: (to the angel commanded): Gather the people who do wrong with their peers and are always gods they worship" [As-Shaffat: 23]

Umar ibn Khtaab and seteelahnya Imam Ahmad once said regarding the appropriate interpretation wajahum and like himself. Allah also says

"Which means: And if the soul were brought" [At-Takwir: 7]

That every person will be brought to the people the same attitude with him, God will lead between the people who love each other kareNya in heaven and will lead people to each other above street bekasih-pity Satan in Hell, each Oran will be brought towhom he loved could not help. In the Al-Hakim Mustadrak disebukan that the Prophet said:

"Meaning: It is not a person loves a people but will be dragged along with them later" [4]

[Translated by: Ustadz Ahmad Ridwan, Lc (Fairuz Abu Al-Medani), From the book: Zadul Ma'ad Fi Hadyi Khairi Ibad, Juz 4, pages 265-274, writer Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziah]
Foote Notes
[1]. This news vanity narrated by Ibn Sa'd in at-Tabaqat/101-102, and al-Hakim 3 / 23 from the path of Muhammad ibn Umar al Waqidi a Matruk (left) - and partly menggapnya as a forger of hadith, from Muhakmmad ibn Yahya ibn Hibban - siqah-but a history of the Prophet sekuruhnya diriwayatkannya mursal.Kebatilah history has been explained by scholars almuhaqqiqin.They said: Penukil this history and who use this verse as an argument against their prejudices about the Prophet sebenranya meletetakkan not prophetic Messenger status as appropriate, and he did not understand the meaning of infallibility. Indeed the Prophet disembunayikan in him and later nampakkan God is the news that God tell him that someday Zaenab would become his wife. The factor that makes the prophet does not hide this news caused him to fear the words of people that he have the heart to marry his adopted son. Actually with this story God wants membatakan jahiliyyah tadisi this in terms of adoption, by marrying the Prophet with his adopted son's wife. Events that occur with this Rasulullah as human leaders will be more accepted and wore at their hearts .. See Ahkam Qur'an 3 / 1530, 1532 works of Ibn Arabi and Fathul Bari 8 / 303, Ibn Kastir 3 / 492, and the Holy Ma'ani 22/24-25.
[2]. Hadith narrated by Bukhari 7 / 15 in chapter fadhail Companions of the Prophet, of the way Abdullah ibn Abbas, and narrated by Imam Muslim (2384) in Fadail Companions, Abu Bakr virtue chapter, from the way Abdullah ibn Masud, and both agreed narrated from Abu Sa road 'id al-Khudri.
[3]. Riwayt Hadith Bukhari hadith Ayesha is muallaq 7/267dari, and Muslim (2638) from Abu Hurayrah road in mausul
[4]. Narrated by Ahmad 6 / 145, 160, and an-Nasa'i from the path of Prophet Ayesha That said: I swear to three things, God will not make the people who have a stake in Islam the same as people who do not have stock, ie stock : prayer, fasting and alms. God is not lift one of the world, there kemudain in others that can pick-up (rank) on the Day of Judgement. It is not a person loves a people but one day God will menggumpulkannya together (in the Hereafter). When should I bersumpat against the fourth and I hope I tiodak innocent in this case is not one to give clothing to another person (to cover his private parts), except God gave clothes akn cover on the Day of Judgement. The narrators of this hadith except Syaibahal stiqah-Khudri (written in Musnad al-ishq wrong with-hadromi). He narrated from Urwah, and he was not in tsiqahkan except by Ibn Hibban, but there is the hadith of Ibn Masud martyrdom of Abu Yala pathway, and pathways Thabrani of Abu Umaamah, with both roads is this hadith to be sahih.

LOVE AND the types
Love has many different types and levels, the highest and most noble is mahabbatu fillah wa lillah (love for God and in the Religion of God) is love that requires nothing loved is loved by God, who made based on love for God and His Messenger.

The next love is the love that exists because of the similarities in the way of life, religion, sect, ideology, kekeluargaaan relations, the profession and the similarity in other respects.

Among other kinds of love that is the love that his motive for wanting to get something from his beloved, either in the form of status, wealth, teaching and guidance, or biological needs. Love is based on things like that which al-al-'ardiyah mahabbah - will disappear with the loss of what he gets from people who want to be loved. Rest assured that the people who love you because something will leave you when he has got what he wanted from you.

The other love is love based on the similarity and compatibility between the love and be loved. Mahabbah al-ishq including love this kind will not go away unless there is something to eliminate them. love this type, namely berpadunya spirit and soul, and therefore there is not such a big influence in the form of anxiety, heart heartsick and destruction except the love of this type.

The question arises that this love is the convergence of bond and spirit, but why there is unrequited love? Even the most one-sided love this kind of people who are kasamaran course, if love is a mix of soul and spirit of love then surely it will happen between the two sides instead of just one-sided?

The answer is that the non-fulfillment of certain conditions due to lack of desire, or the presence of a barrier so that no realization of love between the two. This is due to three factors: First: that love is love merely because of interest, therefore, not necessarily both love each other, sometimes even run away from her loved ones. Second: the barrier so that she can not love someone who dicintanya, either because of a defect in character, the form of appearance, attitude and other factors. Third: the barrier of the loved ones.

If this barrier can be removed it will be interwoven threads of love between the two. If not for pride, envy, love of power and hostility of those who disbelieve, surely the apostles would be the most they loved more than they love themselves, their families and property.

As one type of disease, al-ishq surely be cured with certain therapies. Among these therapies are as follows:

1. If there are opportunities for people who are in love is to reach loved ones in love with the provisions of Shari'a and taqdirnya twist, then this is the ultimate therapy. As contained in the history of Ibn Mas'ud sahihain radi, that the Prophet صلی الله عليه وسلم said:

"Meaning: O all youth, anyone who is able to marry then let him marry, goods which have not been able to ready it should fast because fasting can restrain himself from slippage (for fornication)".

This Hadith gives two solutions, the main solution, and replacement solutions. Solution First Instance is married, so if this can be done then the solution should not be looking for another solution. Meriwaytkan Ibn Majah from Ibn Abbas that the Messenger صلی الله عليه وسلم said:

"It means: I never saw two people who love each other through pathways other than marriage".

This is the purpose and the instigation of God to marry a woman, whether free or slave in His word:

"It means: God wanted to give relief to you, and man made are weak". [An-Nisa: 28]

Allah mentions in this verse that it provides relief against servants and human frailty to withstand syahwatnya by allowing them to marry the women of the good two, three or four, as God allows them to come to their female slaves. To the extent that God opened the door for them to marry female slaves if they need a silencer lust, lightening and his Rahmati against this weak creature.

2. If the first treatment can not be done because the closing of the opportunity to loved ones because of the provisions syar'i and destiny, it can semangkin malignant disease. The treatment must convince himself that nothing is impossible dreams happen, it's better for him to soon forget. Despairing soul to get something, He will calm down and no longer remember it. If they are not forgotten, will affect the soul so that semangkin stray far.

Under these conditions required him to seek another therapy that is by getting his wits to think that hanging heart to something that is impossible to reach an act of mad, like the owl misses the moon. Are not people would consider it included in a collection of people who are not sane?

If the chances of getting what he loves closed because of the ban Shari'a, treatment is with regard to that which she loved was not destined to be hers. Road safety is by distancing himself from his beloved. He must feel that the door towards the diingininya closed, and the impossible is achieved.

3. If you find that soul who always told her to munkar still sue, he should leave it for two reasons, first because of fear (of Allah) is to foster the feeling that there are things more worthy of love, more useful, better and more lasting. Someone who understands when to weigh up the love something soon be gone with something more worthy to be loved, more useful, more lasting and more enjoyable, will choose a higher degree. Do not let thee pawn lasting enjoyment that not crossed your mind with momentary pleasure which soon turned into a source of disease.Like a beautiful person who's dreaming, or menghayal flying away, when it realized it was a dream and fantasy, all the beauty of pseudo sirnalah finally, staying fatigue, loss of appetite and awaiting destruction.

Both the belief that the various risks that are painful to be met if he fails to forget the loved one, he will experience a painful two things at once, ie: failed in getting the lover she wants, and painful disaster and doom that will surely befall him. If you believe will find two things will undoubtedly painfully easy for him to leave the feeling of wanting to have a dicinta.Dia will bepikir that patient restraint is better. Reason, religion, self-esteem and humanity will be ordered to be patient a bit to get their eternal happiness.While ignorance, lust, it ordered him to relent kezalimannya get what he loved. people who avoid are the ones who nurtured by God.

4. If his desires remained adamant and did not receive the therapy, it should think about the negative impact and the damage it would cause immediate, and kemasalahatan who will fail to reach. Because follow his desires will cause damage to the world and dismissed the goodness that comes, even worse with indulge this passion will prevent him to get a clue which is the key to his success and kemaslahatannya.

5. If this therapy does not work well for him, he should always remember the sides of his beloved ugliness, and the things that makes it impacts away from him, if he wants to search for ugliness that existed at his girlfriend he will undoubtedly get more dominant than its beauty, let him many questions to people who are around her lover about the ugliness that is hidden for him. For beauty is the driving factor as represented someone to love her lover as well as ugliness is a powerful driving force so that he can hate him and away from it. Let him consider these two sides and choose the best for him. Do not be deceived by the beauty of the skin by comparing it with the people affected by diseases and leprosy hairpiece, but let him turn to kejelelekan pandangannnya attitude and temperament, he should close his eyes from the physical beauty and saw the kejekan who told her about it and ugliness.

6. If the therapy is still not working for him, then the last therapy is pitted and pleaded with the honest to God who always help people who overwritten disaster if begging him, let him give up the soul completely before His greatness, as he pleaded, degrading and humiliating themselves. If he can invoke the end of therapy, it actually means he has opened the door taufik (God's help). Let him do Iffah (guard) and hides her feelings, lest he speak ill of her lover and humiliated before men, or hurt him, because it is injustice and transgress.

Thus special tips to cure this disease. But like the saying goes: prevention is better than cure, so before it hit better away. How do I avoid it? none other than the tazkiyatun nafs.

Hopefully this discussion useful.

[Translated by: Ustadz Ahmad Ridwan, Lc (Fairuz Abu Al-Medani), From the book: Zadul Ma'ad Fi Hadyi Khairi Ibad, Juz 4, pages 265-274, writer Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziah]

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