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Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Know Hernia


A hernia is the protrusion of an organ or other tissue as a result of abnormal openings in the body. Most hernias occur when there is partial bowel out through the abdominal wall is weak, so it looks a bulge that can be felt & touched. Hernias can occur in the area groin, navel or other parts. There is a hernia that has emerged since birth, there is also growing in a matter of months or years, but there is also a hernia that appears suddenly. The figure below is an illustration of a hernia.

A hernia occurs because of weakness in the abdominal wall so that the other organs like the intestine may come out. Actually not uncommon for someone to have a weakness in the abdominal wall at birth, typically a weakness in the abdomen occurred over time or from surgery incision scars. There is pressure from the organ or tissue in the abdominal wall is weak is exactly what causes the organ to bulge outward. Factors that may affect the abdominal wall weakness are age, smoking and obesity.

Hernias can be seen & felt, usually we can feel the hernia is of the bump or the like swelling around the stomach or groin that may be lost or remain up while lying down or when pressed. We also feel pain, which initially vague but it became more apparent during the move, as well as the growing bump.

If the type of inguinal hernia, the common way to mengatahuinya is to find a lump around the groin, the scrotum usually be enlarged as well. These lumps are often clearly visible under the skin, and may disappear when lying down but will reappear if you are coughing, sneezing or straining during bowel movements. Some type of hernia does not cause pain at all, while others can cause pain and a vague but can be jelast time physical activity.


 Abdominal / Incisional Hernia
Type of abdominal or ventral hernia occurs when bowel pressure out through the abdominal wall is weak. Often this type of hernia is also called incisional hernia because it usually bumps appear on the site that contained the previous surgery incision scars. The bumps usually appear around the abdominal area.

 Umbilical Hernia
Umbilical hernias usually occur around the navel area & common in women during pregnancy or afterwards.

 Inguinal Hernia
Inguinal hernias can occur on one side or on both sides of the groin or scrotum. If there is on one side is called the unilateral & the event is called a bilateral both sides. Most cases of hernias occur in this area & are usually also more common in men.

 Femoral Hernia
A hernia that occurs in women around the groin is called a femoral hernia. A hernia occurs when there is weakness in the artery in the upper thigh.

 Hiatal Hernias
Hiatal hernia occurs when part of the stomach & esophagus through the diaphragm into the chest. Common symptoms are often experienced heartburn or burning sensation around the chest that is often referred to as GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease). Paraesophageal hernias can occur when there is pressure to the abdomen to the chest next to the esophagus, resulting in suppression of the section so that it can block blood flow to organs or other parts.

The only way to cure a hernia is through improvements in operations. Until now there is no drug that can treat the condition.Perhaps the word surgery can discourage people to take medication, especially if the hernia has not suffered too disturbing, but keep in mind that a hernia is likely to get worse over time and also raises the risk for other complications.

As early as possible so that treatment is recommended to be done as quickly as possible, otherwise in consultation with the treating doctor should also be done in particular about the choice of type of surgery you want done.

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