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Friday, November 4, 2011

threat of Impotence

Cigarettes are obviously everyone knows that a lot of ugliness, but in reality there are still popping up new smokers, especially teenagers.
For a long time smoker of course a myriad of reasons that causes remain to continue to smoke, as they may be all the ugliness that is described as heart disease, lung pain has not happened to him.
When heart disease, stroke or cancer was not reason enough for men to quit smoking, try to consider this one: The habit of smoking will increase your risk of impotence or erectile dysfunction (ED)!.Facts about the relationship of smoking and the risk of impotence is not something new. Previously, it was some research that supports the theory. This time too, the experts again reveal the scientific evidence that smoking men who had 40 percent greater risk of developing erectile dysfunction than men who did not smoke.
"Smoking will bring the nicotine and other vasoconstrictors that can shut down the flow of penile blood vessels," explained Dr. Jack Mydlo, chief of urology at Temple University School of Medicine and Hospital in Philadelphia, USA.Erectile dysfunction or impotence according to data from the U.S. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disorders today has become a serious problem experienced by two of the 100 men in America. When men began to get older, the risk of impaired sexual function were increased.
In the present study, the experts involved as many as 8,000 men in Australia aged 16 to 59 years. From the research revealed that men who smoked less than a pack a day had an increased risk of experiencing erectile problems by 24 percent.The results of research published in the Journal of Tobacco Control also revealed the increasing number of cigarettes smoked each day more and increase the risk of erectile dysfunction. Men who on average smoked 20 cigarettes a day was recorded as having increased risk by 39 percent.
In other research, published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, men who are still smoking at the age of 40 tend to experience erection problems than older men who do not smoke. The risk of dysfunction also recorded more than doubled in men who smoked at age 40 than non-smokers in their 50s."Smoking, resulting in narrowed blood vessels, is the biggest cause of erection problems," said Dr. Larry Lipshultz, chief of male reproductive parts at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas USA.
Smoking is actually not the only cause of impotence in men. Lifestyle factors also could have a big impact on the sexual health of Adam. Obesity, alcohol consumption and drugs may trigger timbulnnya erectile problems. Similarly, a relaxed lifestyle and lack of activity (sedentary), Lipshultz added.Other causes, continued Lipshultz, is a variety of diseases such as diabetes; heart, prostate cancer surgery, bladder, colon, spinal cord injuries, hormonal imbalances of testosterone or high blood pressure medications and antidepressants.Lipshultz also explained that all the conditions and lifestyle factors that can trigger men experience erectile dysfunction in three major ways namely: slow blood flow, causing nerve damage, and changing hormonal conditions. (HealthDay News / AC)


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