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Saturday, January 7, 2012

Silence was Golden

In our efforts to grow mature, one of the first steps that we must learn is how to become a person capable of maintaining good oral care as well and correctly. As as the Lord the Messenger of Allah, "Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should speak the truth or shut up.", The hadith narrated by Bukhari.

1. Types of Silence

Indeed silence is very diverse causes and effects. There is a silence to be golden, but there is also a silent instead become a problem. It all depends on the intent, means, circumstances, also the condition on themselves and their environment. Below we can see the kinds of silence:

a. Silent Fool
That is silent because they do not know what to say. This could be due to lack of knowledge and ketidakmengertiannya, or weakness of understanding and reason other disabilities. But silence is much better and safer than forcing yourself to speak knowledgeably.

b. Silent Lazy
Silence is the kind of ugliness, because silent when people need his words, he was reluctant to speak because they feel are not in the mood, not in the mood or lazy.

c. Silent Arrogant
It also includes a negative silent because he's being silent on the assumption that people do not talk to him on my level.

d. Silent treasonous
This silence of the bad guys because he's silent to harm others.Silent at the time it takes the testimony of the saving is the infamous silent.

e. Angry Silence
Silence like this it's good and bad unisex, is far more well preserved than that would be vile words disturb the atmosphere.However, bad news is that he intends not to seek a solution but to show his wrath, so that this silence may also add to the problem.

f. Main Silence (Silence On)
The meaning of silence is the virtue of being silent result of thought and contemplation intentions that led to the belief that being ith restraint (silent) then it will become more serious benefits besardibanding by talking.

2. Active Quiet Virtue

a. Save Problem
By selecting an active silence, we will save the words likely to cause problems.

b. Saving of Sin
With active then the chances of slipping quietly into dosapun thinning words, avoid the mistakes that caused the wrath of God's word.

c. Heart Always Awake and Relax
With silent heart will awake active means of riya, ujub, takabbur or various other liver diseases that will harden and turn off our hearts.

d. More Wisely
With an active silence means we become a good pesdengar and observers, expected in the face of things matter, much more mendaam understanding that any decision-making is much more sensible and wise.

e. Wisdom Will Appear
Equally important, people are able to actively resist the silence is bercahayanya qolbu, give ideas and brilliant ideas, the wisdom of God's guidance swtakan surrounding liver, oral, as well as attitudes and behavior.

f. More Authoritative
Without realizing it, the attitude and appearance of people who still active will cause its own authority. People will be more reluctant to play or underestimated.

In addition, active silence was an attempt to refrain from some things, like:

1. Silence of the words of falsehood
2. Diamdari words in vain
3. Silence of spontaneous comments and remarks
4. Silence of the word excessive
5. Silence of complaints
6. Silence of the intention riya and ujub
7. Silence of the words that hurt
8. Silence of the wise guy and a smart ass

Hopefully we become accustomed to telling the truth or shut up.May God also pleased until death later, when his death, was allowed to take oral departure of our spirit with the best of both words is a sentence tauhiid "laa ilaha illallah" tip of the words that led to heaven. Aamiin

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